
Batman: I’ll be standing where l belong. Between you and the peopIe of Gotham.

Batman: I can’t do that as Bruce Wayne… as a man. I’m flesh and blood. I can be ignored, destroyed. But as a symbol, I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.

Batman: Bats frighten me. It’s time my enemies shared my dread.

Batman: I will go back to Gotham and I will fight men Iike this but I will not become an executioner.

Alfred: Just know that there are those of us who care about what you do with your future.

Alfred: You hung up your cape and your cowl but you didn’t move on. You never went to find a life.

Thomas Wayne: Bruce… it’s okay. Don’t be afraid.

Alfred: You have inspired good. But you spat in the faces of Gotham’s criminals. Didn’t you think there might be casualties? Things always get worse before they get better.

Joker: I believe whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you… stranger.

Blake: Pretty soon we will be chasing down over due library books.

Batman: It’s ends here.

Ra’s Al Ghul: You must become more than just a man in the mind of you opponent.

Two-Face: Perhaps you should read the instructions first?

Bane: Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated aren’t we, Bruce? Members of the League of Shadows. And you betrayed us.